2018 Sustainability Report


A commitment to thrive together

We depend on our environment. If our business is to thrive in the long term, we must protect it. Over the years, we have made progress in water management, waste recycling and reduction of carbon emissions.

Each of our divisions has operations which comply with ISO 14001 standards. In 2018, the environmental management system in the Hong Kong portfolio of our property division received the latest ISO 14001:2015 certification from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency.

A thriving strategy

SwireTHRIVE is our environmental strategy. It focuses on carbon, waste, water, sustainable materials, biodiversity, and climate resilience. It provides a framework for our sustainability efforts and an opportunity for our operating companies to work together to make our businesses thrive. Our success (and that of the communities in which we operate) depends on a natural, thriving environment.

Our sustainable development office and representatives from our operating companies developed SwireTHRIVE and selected its areas of focus. They did so having regard to best practice and following a review by internal subject matter experts. Our board endorses SwireTHRIVE.

SwireTHRIVE sustainability strategy