2018 Sustainability Report


On our data

We support transparency and provide information and data in this report and on our website. Only data that was provided before the end of March 2019 is included in this report. If data or incidents are reclassified or confirmed after preparation of this report, they will be updated in future reports.

On assurance

We have clear standards and reporting requirements for our sustainability data. These standards are supported by internal audits and statistical checks.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has provided limited assurance in relation to the selected sustainability data for 2018 listed below and identified with the symbol [R] in the relevant data table[s].

  • Total energy consumption
  • Total greenhouse gas emissions by weight
  • Total water used
  • Total employee fatalities
  • Total employee lost time injuries

The full assurance statement from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu can be found here.