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19 Nov 2004
CAAC and Cathay Pacific Sign Letter of Intent for Co-Operation on Senior Management Training

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and Cathay Pacific Airways signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) in Beijing today for co-operation in senior management training. The ceremony also marked the 10th anniversary of a training programme for middle management jointly run by the two organisations.

Officiating at the LOI signing ceremony were Ren Ying Li, CAAC Vice Director General of Personnel & Education Department; and William Chau, Director Personnel at Cathay Pacific. Also present were Gao Hong Feng, Vice Minister of CAAC; Pu Zhao Zhou, Director-General of the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs; Tian Bao Hua, President of the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China (CAMIC); Philip Chen, Director & Chief Operating Officer of Cathay Pacific; and Raymond Yuen, a Director of Cathay Pacific.

The new training agreement will see Cathay Pacific organise a series of lectures, seminars, discussions, exchanges and visits for CAAC senior managers and department heads to further strengthen their understanding of the development of the aviation industry. The airline will also organise workshops for senior CAAC management members each year, while its own senior managers will participate in management workshops organised by CAMIC.

The new agreement builds on the relationship developed between Cathay Pacific and CAAC since the establishment of the training programme for middle management in 1994. The training for senior managers aligns with the increasing demand for civil aviation management professionals and will facilitate an exchange of knowledge and experience that will help enhance each organisation's international competitiveness.

Cathay Pacific Director & Chief Operating Officer Philip Chen said: "A strong aviation hub will continue to drive the economic, financial, travel and cultural development of a city. We have been witnessing the rapid development of the aviation industry in the Mainland, and the aggregate traffic volumes of the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau indicate that the area will become a phenomenal force in international aviation in years to come. Given the continued robust growth of its economy, the prospects for the Mainland's aviation industry are very promising."

In addition to signing the LOI, both parties also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the "Middle Management Training Programme" with the participation of dozens of past graduates. Each year, CAAC nominates a number of middle-management candidates from its subsidiary airlines and organisations to participate in the training programme. They are seconded to a five-month hands-on training programme at Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong, with no more than eight trainees at any one time to ensure quality training.

The programme has been instrumental in enhancing the mutual understanding and cooperation between Mainland airlines and Cathay Pacific. While Mainland trainees have been able to develop their knowledge of the operating procedures, products and strategy of an international airline, at the same time Cathay Pacific managers have been able to gain a better understanding of Mainland carriers.

Over the past decade 58 trainees have been seconded to Cathay Pacific from CAAC, the North China Regional Administration and East China Regional Administration of CAAC, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, China Northern Airlines, China Xinjiang Airlines, China Yunnan Airlines, CNAC Zhejiang Airlines, China Southwest Airlines, China Northwest Airlines and the Civil Aviation University of China.

CAAC and Cathay Pacific sign a letter of intent for co-operation on senior management training in Beijing today (19 November). Back row from left: Wu Li, CAAC Deputy Director-General of the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs; Liu Bao Shu, CAAC Director of Personnel, Science & Technology & Education Department; Pu Zhao Zhou, CAAC Director-General of the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs; Gao Hong Feng, CAAC Vice Minister; Philip Chen, Director & Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Pacific; Raymond Yuen, a Director of Cathay Pacific; and Augustus Tang, Director Corporate Planning, Cathay Pacific. Front row from left: Ren Ying Li, CAAC Vice Director General of Personnel, Science & Technology & Education Department; and William Chau, Director Personnel, Cathay Pacific.

Cathay Pacific Airways
Corporate Communication Department