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05 Jun 2001
Major Bank to Move into Pacific Place

Swire Properties is pleased to announce that Credit Lyonnais Hong Kong Branch is set to take two floors, accounting for some 40,000 sq. ft., in Two Pacific Place. The bank's move from its present accommodation in Exchange Square will mark the biggest relocation in Central so far this year.

This signal addition to its prestigious tenancy list reflects the continued popularity of Pacific Place as a prime location for major multinationals based in Hong Kong.

The bank's decision follows that of Credit Lyonnais Securities, who located their Hong Kong office last year in two floors of One Pacific Place, leasing a total floor area corresponding to that reserved for Credit Lyonnais Bank.

"With our top-quality information technology infrastructure and established location, we are able to attract first class financial institutions to Pacific Place," commented Mr Jolyon Culbertson, Director and General Manager of Swire Properties.

"The quality of Pacific Place infrastructure, the general environment and the proximity to Credit Lyonnais Securities were the main criteria behind our bank's decision to move," said Mr Amor Chebira, head of Asia Capital Market IT and Operation of Credit Lyonnais Bank. "In addition, the bank appreciates the professional behaviour of Swire Properties staff and managers."

Strategically located at the hub of Central's key transportation systems, Pacific Place is already home to a number of large financial institutions, as well as to diverse other commercial organisations.

It offers a wide range of facilities, including three five-star hotels, more than 350 luxury serviced apartments, an on-site conference centre and one of the largest, busiest and most successful shopping malls in Hong Kong.

Complementing these facilities are advanced technical specifications for the office towers, which are provided with broadband cabling and power and telecommunications services of the calibre and quality vital for the financial industry.

To facilitate ready access to real-time financial information, Swire Properties has installed electronic screens in office lobbies at Pacific Place, enhancing the mood and tempo of the premises as lynchpin in Hong Kong's financial scene.

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