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16 Jul 2023
Meet Jodi Kwok from Swire HR Leadership Programme

Working in HR can sometimes be challenging but it can also be immensely rewarding as it’s all about working with and supporting people. I love the fact that I get to interact and collaborate with such a diverse range of people every day in Swire.

I started my HR career with the Swire group in a role with the recruitment team for Cathay Pacific. Since then I’ve worked in different roles with Cathay Pacific and Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd. It has now led me to my current role - Head of Human Resources & Administration at Swire Properties.

Working across different companies means that I’ve gained experience in talent acquisition, business partnering, industrial and employee relations and many other areas. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with some amazing leaders. As well as offering guidance, encouragement and coaching, they’ve trusted me to work on projects with significant organisational impact which has been invaluable to my development.

At Swire we constantly strive to do better, to improve and to innovate. Even though I’ve been with the company a number of years, I am constantly learning.

For me, HR with Swire is not just a job, it's a rewarding career that has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally, and having joined the Swire HR Leadership Programme, I am excited about the future opportunities to grow!

Jodi is currently Head of Human Resources & Administration at Swire Properties.

Learn more about Swire HR Leadership Programme